IASGO 33rd World Congress Istanbul | In-Person | 28 September
Last -842 Days

Scientific Program

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29 September Day 1
08:30-10:30 Sleeve Gastrectomy I
Chairs: Halil Coskun, Turkey & Kagan Zengin, Turkey & Koray Tekin, Turkey
Pancreas I
Chair: Dejan Radenkovic, Serbia & Volkan Adsay, Turkey & Serdar Turhal, Turkey
Gallbladder Cancer
Chairs: Ho Seong Han, Korea & Vinay Kumar Kapoor, India & Emin Kose, Turkey
Joint Session Turkish HPB Association
(Hydatid disease of the liver)
Chair: Kaya Saribeyoglu, Turkey & Mehmet Ali Uzun, Turkey
Free Paper HPB -1
Chairs: Bartos Adrian, Romania & Ali Emre Atici, Turkey & Erdem Kinaci, Turkey
08:30-08:45 Standart Sleeve Gastrectomy: Step by Step
Speaker: Tuna Bilecik, Turkey
Perioperative therapy for pancreatic cancer
Speaker: Gabriela Chiorean, United States
Management Updates: Gallbladder Cancer
Speaker: Timothy Michael Pawlik, United States
Non-surgical methods in the treatment of hydatid cyst in the liver-Interventional Radiology Speaker:Devrim Akinci, Turkey

Management and results of pancreatic fistulas after proximal pancreaticoduodenectomy with percutaneous transhepatic internal biliary drainage catheter
Speaker: Seckin Sogucak, Turkey
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy In A Patient With Congenital Factor VII Deficiency: Case Report
Speaker: Seckin Sogucak, Turkey
Short and Long Term Outcomes of Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. Ten Years Single Center Experience.
Speaker: Afig Gojayev, Turkey
Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-oxidant Role of Ursolic Acid in Cerulein-Induced Acute Pancreatitis in Rats
Speaker: Ahmet Turkoglu, Turkey
Pancreatic Pseudocysts: Epidemiological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects in Senegal
Speaker: Reymond Saidy
Adenocarcinoma Arising in a Biliary Duplication Cyst: A Case Report
Speaker: Jessica Rodrigues, Portugal
Can we predict difficult cholecystectomies with preoperative evaluation?
Speaker: Ali Kagan Coskun, Turkey
Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy (LRPS): surgical aspects.
Speaker: Nikolay Belev, Bulgaria
Unicentric Castelman Disease : a rare indication for major hepatectomy
Speaker: Bartos Adrian, Romania
Effects of preoperative biliary drainage and level of bilirubin to the outcomes of surgical treatment in cholangiocarcinoma: A propensity score matching analysis.
Speaker: Poowanai Sarkhampee, Thailand
Results of pancreatoduodenectomy depending on the pancreatic gland texture and pancreatic duct diameter.
Speaker: Bolatbek Baimakhanov, Kazakhstan
Clinico Pathological Study and Management of Carcinoma Gall Bladder : Our Experience
Speaker: Mahim Koshariya, India
Evaluation of Gastro-Laryngeal Tube in Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreaticography: A Prospective Randomised Control Study
Speaker: Ashish K.Kannaujia, India
Does The Number Of Pringle Maneuvers Affect The Complications After Liver Metastasectomies?
Speaker: Egemen Ozdemir, Turkey

08:45-09:00 Robotic sleeve gastrectomy. Is there any advantage?
Speaker: Varlik Erol, Turkey
M1 disease in PDAC:
A contraindication for surgery?
Speaker:Dejan Radenkovic, Serbia
Ten commandments in management of gall bladder cancer
Speaker: Vinay Kumar Kapoor, India
Which patients should be treated surgically in liver hydatid cysts?
Speaker:Ahmet Bulent Dogrul, Turkey
09:00-09:15 Individualized approach in metabolic surgery
Speaker: Kamal Mahawar, United Kingdom
Pancreatobiliary maljunctions
Speaker: Volkan Adsay, Turkey
Laparoscopic liver resection for GB cancer
Speaker: Ho-Seong Han, Korea
The role of laparoscopic surgery in liver hydatid cyst
Speaker: Aydin Alper, Turkey
Gastric Bypass Session I
Chairs: Aziz Sumer, Turkey & Mert Tanal, Turkey
Is Roux-n-Y gastric Bypass Gold Standard? Why?
Speaker: Bruno Dillemans, Belgium
In doubt take it out? Total pancreatectomy vs anastomosis in high-risk pancreatic remnant after pancreaticoduodenectomy
Speaker: Giuseppe Malleo, Italy
Extended Cholecystectomy: how we do it?
Speaker: Thakur Deen Yadav, India
Turkish HPBA "Liver hydatid cyst treatment- National Consensus Decisions
Speaker:Cuneyt Kayaalp, Turkey
09:30-09:45 Opioid Free Bariatric Anesthesia and Analgesia
Speaker: Ulgen Zengin, Turkey
Is every locally advanced pancreatic cancer with neoadjuvant treatment resectable?
Speaker: Guralp Ceyhan, Turkey
Discussion Extended liver resections and transplantation in liver alveolar disease
Speaker:Gurkan Ozturk, Turkey
09:45-10:00 Standard OAGB
Speaker : Umut Barbaros, Turkey
Role of MR Guided stereotactic radiotherapy in management of pancreatic cancer
Speaker: Enis Ozyar, Turkey
UEG-IASGO Joint Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Approaches to HPB Diseases
Speaker: Matthias Löhr , Sweeden & Dan Duda, USA & Kyoichi Takaori, Japan
UEG Guidelines for the multidisciplinary approaches to IgG4-related diseases
Speaker: Matthias Lohr, Sweden
10:00-10:15 OAGB and its modification Bridged-OAGB
Speaker: Aziz Sumer, Turkey
UEG Guidelines for the multidisciplinary approaches to IgG4-related diseases
Speaker: Matthias Löhr, Sweden
10:15-10:30 DS, Modifications: Which one?
Speaker: M. Mahir Ozmen, Turkey
IASGO Clinical trials for the multidisciplinary approaches to HPB diseases
Speaker: Dan G.Duda (United States)
10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45-11:15 State of Art Lecture
LT and Immune suppression: 40 years of personal experience
Speaker: Jan Lerut (Belgium)
State of Art Lecture
Complete Mesocolic Excision and D3 Lymphadenectomy – Is it worth it?
Speaker: Ethem Gecim, Turkey
11:15-12:45 Gastric Bypass Session II
Chairs: M.Mahir Ozmen, Turkey & Kamal Mahawar, United Kingdom & Aziz Sumer, Turkey
IASGO Consortium for Clinical Trials in Perioperative Setting: Pancreatic cancers
Chair: Kyoichi Takaori, Japan & Ender Dulundu, Turkey & Faysal Dane, Turkey
Colon Cancer Session
Chairs: Emre Balik, Turkey & Sam Atallah, United States & Mahmut Gumus, Turkey, Mustafa Altinbas, Turkey
Pancreas II
Chair: Nikola Nikolov Vladov, Bulgaria & Omer Gunal, Turkey
Free Paper ERAS & Surgical Complication Management
Chair: Tolga Demirbas, Turkey & Supriya Sharma, India
11:15-11:30 AI and robotics from a hospital director view
Speaker: Rolf Hartrung, Germany

Thomas Brunner, Austria

Jiping Wang, United States
Tim Pawlik, United States

Gabriela Chiorean, United States
Si Young Song, South Korea

(All Speakers)
Irinel Popescu, Romania
Dan G. Duda, United States
Nuh Rahbari, Germany
Guralp Ceyhan, Turkey

Prevention is better than the cure! Screening methods for colorectal cancer
Speaker: Ethem Gecim, Turkey
Management of IPMN – how conservative can we be?
Speaker: Thilo Hackert, Germany

Cohort study of patients with initially unresectable pancreatic cancer in whom conversion surgery was planned after FOLFIRINOX or gemcitabine+nab-paclitaxel
Speaker: Naohiro Okano, Japan
A New Scoring System for Severity of Fournier's Gangrene: Modified Glasgow Score with some Alterations
Speaker: Bercis Imge Ucar, Turkey
Outcomes of open transverse abdominis release for ventral hernias- A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis of factors affecting them.
Speaker: Bhavin Vasavada, India
Surgical Treatment Of Diastasis Recti Abdominis In Patients With Connective Tissue Dysplasia.
Speaker: Artur Mnoyan,Russia
Can Negative Pressure VAC Cause Intraabdominal Diffuse Hydatidosis?
Speaker: Alp Omer Canturk, Turkey
Epidemiological Characteristics, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile, and Surgical technique of Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infection at a Tertiary Hospital in Somalia
Speaker: Nor Abdi Yasin, Somalia
Abdominal Closure Technique in Pediatric Liver Transplant
Speaker: Emre Karakaya, Turkey
Renal paratransplant hernia - surgical complication in midst of medical storm
Speaker: Supriya Sharma, India
Introduction of Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC in Georgia, Initial Experience
Speaker: Archil Aladashvili, Georgia
Perianal Fistulotomy and Sphincteroplasty
Speaker: Paulo J. Sousa, Portugal
Splenic Flexure Segmental Resection With Inferior Mesenteric Vein Preservation
Speaker: Alexandra Antunes, Portugal

11:30-11:45 Roux-n-Y Gastric bypass or OAGB after failed sleeve gastrectomy?
Speaker: Ahmet Ziya Balta, Turkey
Current trend of prophylactic colectomy for hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes
Speaker: Ahmet Rencuzogullari, Turkey
Current states of Interventional EUS
Speaker: Deniz Duman, Turkey
11:45-12:00 Advantages and Disadvantages of dfferent robotic systems
Speaker: Davide Lomanto, Singapore
Is there a Consensus on Surgical tecnique of colorectal cancer by tumor location
Speaker: Cihangir Akyol, Turkey
Atypical Pancreatic Resection
Speaker: Mert Erkan, Turkey
12:00-12:15 Robotic SADS
Speaker: M.Mahir Ozmen, Turkey
Debating Pro and Cons of locally advanced colon cancer"

Chemotherapy should be the first treatment
Speaker: Timucin Cil, Turkey

Upfront surgery is standard of care
Speaker: Ilknur Bayraktar, Turkey
Vascular resections in pancreatic cancer
Speaker : Nikola Nikolov Vladov, Bulgaria
12:15-12:30 What we learned from GENEVA collaborative studies?
Speaker: Rishi Singhal (United Kingdom)
Radiation therapy for locally adavanced pancreatic cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Speaker: Thomas Brunner, Germany
12:30-12:45 Sleeve gastrectomy in low income countries. The exemple of Senegal
Speaker: Ousmane KA (Senegal)
How to clarify risk factors and select adjuvant treatment in stage II colon cancer in 2022?
Speaker: Leyla Ozer, Turkey
Left Sided Portal Hypertansion After Pancreaticoduodenoctomy with Combined Portal Vein Resection
Speaker: Shugo Mizumo, Japan
Honorary Presidental Lecture
Mehmet Haberal, Turkey
13:05-13:35 Opening Ceremony
13:35-14:15 Lunch Break
14:15-15:30 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
Chair: Birol Bostanci, Turkey & Osman Yuksel, Turkey
Chair: Yogesh Vashist, Germany & Mehmet Velidedeoglu, Turkey
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Chairs: Antoni Szczepanik, Poland & Aras Emre Canda, Turkey & Faruk Aykan, Turkey
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Chairs: Jan Lerut , Belgium & Ahmed Omar Kaseb, United States & Tarkan Unek, Turkey
Free Paper Colorectal Surgery
Chair: Murat Araz, Turkey & Elroy Patrick Weledji, Cameroon
14:15-14:30 Caustic esophageal strictures - coloplasties and gastroplasties
Speaker: Felix Valter Nilton, Brasil
Why occurs disaster in biliary surgery
Speaker: Luis Ruso Martinez, Uruguay
Prophylactic HIPEC in locally advanced colorectal cancer
Speaker: Olivier Glehen, France
Current Trend and Future Outlook of Systemic therapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Speaker: Ahmed Omar Kaseb, United States
Transanal Resection Video-Assisted
Speaker: Alexandra Antunes, Portugal
Impact of SARS-COV-2 pandemic on the evolution of colorectal cancer patients
Speaker: Andrei Vacarasu, Romani
The anatomical basis for autonomic dysfunction in pelvic surgery.
Speaker: Elroy Patrick Weledji, Cameroo
Colon Cancer Surgery Outcomes in Patients Over 80 Years Old
Speaker: Ana Sofia Cavadas, Portugal
Fistulectomy and primary sphincteroplasty (FIPS) for trans-sphincteric perianal fistula: a single-center retrospective cohort study
Speaker: Merter Gulen, Turkey
Retrorectal Chordoma: Case Report and Literature Review
Speaker: Sefa Ergun, Turkey
Total pelvic exenteration in our center during last seven years
Speaker: Stojan Latincic, Serbia
Prevention and Management of Leakage After Low Anterior Rectal Resections
Speaker: Marius Bica, Romania
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery And Transanal Excision
Speaker: Syed Murtaza Ahmed
Early results of fermature of stoma before adjuvant therapy in patients with rectum cancer who had protective loop ileostomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Speaker: Pirilti Ozcan, TUrke
The laparoscopic lateral-to-medial counterclockwise mobilization to the splenic flexure of the colon
Speaker: Paulo J. Sousa, Portuga
Early Age Rectal Cancer And Association With Pesticides,Fertilizers And Non stapler Sphincter Saving Surgery
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
Predictive Factors of Recurrence and Survival after Resection of Left Colon Cancer
Speaker: Ahmed Monier
Right Colon Cancer: The Impact of Specific Location on Prognosis
Speaker: Ana Sofia Cavadas, Portugal
14:30-14:45 Endoscopic treatment options in esophageal disease: The perspective of an endoscopist surgeon
Speaker: Tahsin Dalgic, Turkey
Splanchnic vein thrombosis SVT: devil lies in details
Speaker: Hanan Hamed
Management of appendiceal mucinous neoplasm
Speaker: Emre Sivrikoz (Turkey)
Hepatocellular cancer and liver transplantation: Do we need immunotherapy? If yes, when and how?
Speaker: Jan Lerut, Belgium
14:45-15:00 Technical details of lymphadenectomy in MI gastrectomy
Speaker: M.Kadri Colakoglu, Turkey
"Is Simple Cholecystectomy with adjuvant Chemoradiation an Alternative to Radical Cholecystectomy in Carcinoma of Gallbladder"
Speaker: Neeraj Rastogi
Surgical approch in the treatment of colorectal cancer with Resectable liver metastases
Speaker: Feza Yarbug Karakayali, Turkey
Targeted Therapy in Hepatocellular cancer
Speaker: Mitesh Jivraj Borad, United States
15:00-15:15 Anastomotic techniques after MI gastrectomy
Speaker: Orcun Yalav, Turkey

The Role Of Three-Dimensional Imaging Reconstruction In Complex Mininvasive Liver Resections
Speaker: Francesca Pegoraro
Role of primary tumor resection for Stage IV colorectal cancer
Speaker: Selman Sokmen, Turkey
Living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
Speaker: Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Japan
15:15-15:30 EIPL: techniques and evidences
Speaker: Ali Alemdar, Turkey

Biomarker-Driven systemic treatment strategies in first-line advanced colorectal cancer
Speaker: Suayib Yalcin, Turkey
Combining TACE and Lenvatinib for advanced HCC
Speaker: Ming Kuang, China
15:30-16:15 Bayer Satellite Symposium Sequential NexSt treatment with real life HCC cases
Speakers; Ender Dulundu, Turkey & Faysal Dane, Turkey
16:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
16:30-17:45 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
Chair: Salim Demirci, Turkey & Ahmet Ozet, Turkey & Orhan Alimoglu, Turkey
Pancreatic Cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Chair: Erdem Goker, Turkey & Kyoichi Takaori, Japan & Gokhan Demir, Turkey
Colorectal Cancer Potpourri
Chair: Ali Uzunkoy , Turkey & Suleyman Demiryas, Turkey
Regional Therapy Concepts in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
Chairs: Yogesh Vashist, Germany & Cem Terzi, Turkey
Free Paper Liver Transplantation & Transplant Oncology
Chair: Turan Kanmaz , Turkey & Ahmet Shehta, Egypt
16:30-16:45 Radiation Oncology in Esophageal Cancer in the curative setting
Speaker: Thomas Baptist Brunner, Austria
Mutidisiciplinary approaches to the treatment of pancreatic cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Speaker: Kyoichi Takaori, Japan
Pre-operative patient management in robotic colorectal surgery
Speaker: Suleyman Demiryas, Turkey

Hidden aspects for complete cytoreduction
Speaker: Erdal Polat, Turkey
Using O-ArmTM Cholangiography in Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Speaker: Cihan Karatas, Turkey
Serological Immune Response Following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine (Covishield) In Patients With Liver Cirrhosis
Speaker: Alka Verma, India
Covid-19 and Transplant Activities in Our Center
Speaker: Emre Karakaya, Turkey
The Results of Expanded Criteria for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Liver Transplant
Speaker: Aydincan Akdur, Turkey
Outcome Of Liver Transplantation For Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Background Cirrhosis Secondary To Inherited Metabolic Liver Disease
Speaker: Abdirahman Sakulen Hargura
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy as A Bridge to Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Baskent University Experience
Speaker: Ebru Hatice Ayvazoglu Soy, Turkey
Hepatic Artery Intimal Dissection during Living Donor Liver Transplantation: A New Modified Approach
Speaker: Cihan Karatas, Turkey
Portal vein pressure modulation in living donor liver transplantation: Impact of surgeon-led pre-operative planning by 3D simulation
Speaker: Mahmoud Macshut, Egypt
The First Case of Pediatric Living Donor Domino Split-Liver Transplantation in the World
Speaker: Turan Kanmaz, Turkey
The Promising Role of Proton Beam Therapy for Locally Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma prior to Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Speaker: Itsuko Chih-Yi Chen, Taiwan
16:45-17:00 Neoadjuvant treatment approaches in esophageal cancers
Speaker: Ozan Yazici, Turkey
Precision medicine for pancreatic cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Speaker: Si Young Song (Korea)

Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery For Obese Patients. Do The Outcomes Differ From Non-obese Ones?
Speaker:Yasir Musa Kesgin, Turkey

D3 Lymph Node Dissection in Right Colon Cancer (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Ana Sofia Cavadas, Portugal

Assessment of Surgical Difficulty in Patients with Rectal Cancer – Impact of Pelvimetry
Speaker: Pedro Santos, Portugal

Laparoscopic left colectomy with transanal specimen extraction – NOSE (natural orifice specimen extration) (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Paulo Sousa, Portugal

Can Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Be Applied in Emergency Colorectal Surgery
Speaker: Marius Bica

Factors affecting wound healing after Cytoreductive Surgery + Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: A retrospective Cohort
Speaker: Ugur Duman, Turkey

HIPEC – complications and outcome
Speaker: Mohamed Faheez, United Kingdom
17:00-17:15 Esophageal carcinoma surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy
Speaker: Carlo Castoro
Conversion surgery for pancreatic cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Speaker: Nuh Rahbari, Germany

Regional Perfusion therapy: techniques and outcome
Speaker: Yogesh Vashist, Germany
PIPAC: technique, indication and outcome
Speaker: Oliver Glehen, France
17:30-17:45 Surgical approach for GEJ tumors
Speaker: Akin Firat Kocaay, Turkey
Systemic therapies in metastatic pancreatic cancer: Up-to-date 2022
Speaker: Omer Dizdar, Turkey
Immune response following regional therapy
Speaker: Kornelia Aigner, Germany

30 September Day 2
08:30-10:30 Sleeve Gastrectomy II
Chairs: Cuneyt Kayaalp, Turkey & Ayhan Mesci, Turkey
Bilobar Colorectal Liver Metastasis
Chairs: Hauke Lang, Germany & Deniz Balci, Turkey & Zoran Milosevic , Serbia
Biomarker-Driven Approaches for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancers
Chairs: Levy Miroslav, Czech Republic
Minimally invasive HPB Surgery
Chair: Emilio Vincente, Spain & Cumhur Yegen, Turkey & Tufan Egeli, Turkey
Free Paper HPB -2
Chair: Adnan Kuvvetli, Turkey & Mislav Rakic, Crotia & Saurabh Galodha , Georgia
08:30-08:45 Role of re-sleeve gastrectomy in revision bariatric surgery
Speaker: Ahmet Turkcapar, Turkey
Parenchyma Sparing Surgery
Speaker: Guido Torzilli, Italy
Advances in Molecular Mechanisms and Novel Biomarkers in Gastrointestinal cancers: value in clinical practice
Speaker: Renata Dobrila-Dintinjana, Crotia
Current status of laparoscopic liver resection
Speaker:Ho-Seong Han, Korea
Tacrolimus Induced Focal Myoclonus in a Living Donor Liver Transplant Patient
Speaker: Muhammet Ali Colak, Turkey
Diffuse Pancreatic Serous Cystadenoma ; A Rare Case Of Pancreatic Neoplasia
Speaker: Ilkay Halicioglu, Turkey
Biliary Bypass Procedures:- a retrospective early post-operative analysis
Speaker: Henok Haile, Ethiopia
Common hepatic artery approach in technically demanding distal laparoscopic pancreatectomies
Speaker: Ivelin Takorov, Bulgaria
Speaker: Costel Bradea, Romania
Morphological Features of the Caudate Lobe of the Human Liver: 22 Anatomical Specimens.
Speaker: Gueye Mohamadou Lamine, Senegal
Bile duct injury in complicated gall bladder surgery. Can it be avoided?
Speaker: Vinod Kumar Singhal
Learning Curve in the Implementation of the Gastropancreatic Anastomosis during Pancreatoduodenectomy
Speaker: Mislav Rakić, Croatia
New conception for LA-PDAC surgery: arterial resection and reconstruction first, R0-pancreatectomy and vein resection second
Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov, Russia
Which is appropriate procedure for preoperative biliary drainage in periampullary tumours?
Speaker: Pinar Tasar, Turkey
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: a fusion of Clockwise and Warshaw technique
Speaker: Francesa Pegoraro, Italy
Splenic artery reversal for arterial reconstructions in pancreatic resections for locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov, Russia
Surgical Treatment of a Symptomatic Giant Biliary Cyst in a Fragile Ground
Speaker: Reymond Saidy, Senegal
Efficacy and safety of liver venous deprivation before major hepatectomy in patients with insufficient future liver remnant volume
Speaker: Salih Nafiz Karahan, Turkey
Aberrant hepatic arterial anatomy and its implications in the management of HPB disease
Speaker: Biju Pottakkat , India
Kidney failure in Obstructive Jaundice
Speaker: Priyamvada Puthenpurckal Sivan Pillai, India
08:45-09:00 GERD and Baret’s esophagus after sleeve
Speaker: Gianfranco Silecchia, Italy
Convertion systemic therapies in colon cancer with liver metastasis; which regimen, how much therapy?
Speaker : Mehmet Artac, Turkey
Multidisciplinary approach to advanced intraabdominal malignancies
Speaker: Levy Miroslav, Czech Republic
Robotic surgery in pancreatic process. Personal considerations after 12 years of activity
Speaker: Emilio Vicente, Spain
09:00-09:15 Hiatal Hernia and Sleeve Gastrectomy
Speaker: Gianfranco Silecchia, Italy
Two Stage Hepatectomy
Speaker: Acar Tuzuner, Turkey
FNAC in the diagnosis of Cancer: Successes and Challenges in LMIC oncology practice
Speaker: Babatunde Moses Duduyemi, Sierra Leone
Pro and contra of Robotic Liver Surgery
Speaker:Roberto Troisi, Italy
09:15-09:30 Why Sleeve gastrectomy should be chosen?
Speaker: Ayhan Mesci, Turkey
Liver Venous Deprivation versus Portal Vein Embolization before major hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases : A comparison of short and long term outcomes
Speaker: Panaro Fabrizio, France
Rectum Cancer Session I
Chairs: Dursun Bugra, Turkey & Feza Remzi, United States, Fuat Demirelli, Turkey

Tailored selection of the neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer
Speaker: Cem Terzi, Turkey
Robotic liver surgery – learning curve experiences
Speaker: Roland Croner, Germany
Sleeve Gastrectomy III
Chairs: Koray Tekin, Turkey & Toygar Toydemir, Turkey
Stenosis and its treatment after sleeve gastrectomy
Speaker: Mehmet Ozdogan, Turkey
ALLPS : friends or foe?
Speaker: Hauke Lang, Germany
Total neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer
Spkeaer: Fatih Selcukbiricik, Turkey
Totaly robotic pancreatoduodenectomy: From simulation to reality
Speaker: Gurkan Tellioglu, Turkey
09:45-10:00 Is Leak a nightmare after sleeve gastrectomy? How should it be treated?
Speaker: Mert Tanal, Turkey
Liver transplant as an option in patients with bilobar colorectal liver metastases
Speaker: Pal-Dag Line, Norway

Optimal fractionation of preoperative radiotherapy and timing to surgery for resectabl rectal cancer
Speaker: Antoni Szczepanik, Poland
Single-port laparoscopic pancreatectomy and splenectomy- NTUH experience
Speaker:Ching-Yao Yang, Korea
10:00-10:15 Bleeding after bariatric surgery
Speaker: Koray Topgul, Turkey
Lateral lymph node dissection for rectal cancer
Speaker: Soichiro Ishihara, Japan
Laparoscopic spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy
Speaker: Baiju Senadhipan, India
10:15-10:30 How should uncontrolled weight loss after sleeve be treated?
Speaker: Koray Tekin, Turkey

Locally advanced or recurrent disease: Pelvic exenteration, extralevator/ischiorectal abdominoperineal excision, and sacrectomy
Speaker: Aras Emre Canda, Turkey
10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45-12:15 Upper GI
(Surgical Technics)
Chair: Subramanyeswar Rao, India, & Nikolay Belev, Bulgaria & Sinan Ersin, Turkey
Joint Session with ESOT
Transplant Oncology
Chair: Gabriel Oniscu, United Kingdom & Yaman Tokat, Turkey
Rectum Cancer Session II
Chairs: Feza Yarbug Karakayali, Turkey & Selman Sokmen, Turkey
Biliary Tract Cancer
(Cholangiocarcinoma & Perihilar)
Chairs:Ibrahim Astarcioglu, Turkey & Si Young Song, Korea & Sacit Coban,Turkey
Free Paper Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery & Upper GI Surgery -1
Chair: Caghan Peksen, Turkey& Ayman Kamal, Egypt
10:45-11:00 Fluorescence imaging in Esophageal Surgery- A new paradigm
Speaker: Subramanyeswar Rao, India
HCC and LT: How to extend justifiably inclusion criteria
Speaker: Jan Lerut (Belgium)
Does robotic rectal cancer surgery offer better postoperative and oncological outcomes?
Speaker: Emre Balik, Turkey
Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Current Multi-Modality Care
Speker: Timothy Michael Pawlik
Unreported Rare But Serious Complication: Major Vascular Injuries During Bariatric Surgery
Speaker: Caghan Peksen, Turkey
Complete Mesogastric Excision: Our First Twelve Cases and Their Outcomes
Speaker: Muhammed Kadir Yildirak, Türkiye
Effect Of Mechanically Constructed Gastrojejunal Anastomoses With Different Sizes And Types On Clinical Outcomes In Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Speaker: Cihan Sahan, Turkey
Factors Affecting Early and Late Complications in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
Speaker: Tamer Akay, Turkey
Postoperative Enoxaparin versus Fondaparinux in prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Speaker: Mohamed Abdelrhman, Egypt
Is re-sleeve an innocent and reliable revisional surgical technique? A retrospective analysis of three years of experience
Speaker: Osman Anil Savas, Turkey
Concomitant Hysterectomy and Bariatric Surgery
Speaker: Ayman Kamal, Egypt
Rare cause of abdominal pain in an adult patient: small bowel intussusception
Speaker: Nedim Akgul, Turkey
Long term results of converted gastric bands to omega gastric bypass
Speaker: Sami Salem Ahmad, Jordan
Post ERCP perforations: Seven years of experience from a single center
Speaker: Oguzhan Sal, Turkey
11:00-11:15 Is surgery-only approach outdated in upper GI oncology? A surgeon‘s perspective
Speaker: Yogesh Vashist, Germany
TaTME: Current status and future perspectives
Speaker: Sam Atallah, United States
Cholangiocarcinoma: molecular pathogenesis and next horizon in therapeutics
Speaker: Si Young Song, Korea

Evaluation of the Use of Inflammatory Biomarkers in the Early Detection of Anastomotic Leakage after Oesophagectomy. A Case-Control Study.
Speaker: Mina Tharwat Ibrahim Azer, Germany

Outcomes of Total Gastrectomy + Distal Esophagectomy with Abdominal Approach in Siewert Type II and III Esophagogastric Juntion Tumors: A Single Center’s Experience in Turkey
Speaker: Muhammet Ali Aydemir, Turkey

Outcomes of Proximal versus Total Gastrectomy for Proximal Gastric Cancer: A Single Western Center Experience
Speaker: Muhammer Ergenc, Turkey

Application of sandwich theory in splenic hilar lymph node dissection
Speaker: Changzheng Li, China

Laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer- It is possible to avoid undersired events?
Speaker: Nikolay Belev, Bulgaria

Early Outcomes (90-Day) Following Emergency Gastrectomy and Associated Risk Factors: An Observational Study.
Speaker: Twinkle Parekh, India

How can we reduce early anastomotic complications in gastric cancer patients after gastric resection?
Speaker:Mehmet Guray Duman, Turkey

Textbook Outcome as a Composite Measure of Quality Of Care in Gastric Cancer Surgery
Speaker: Sena Salih, Turkey

Complete Mesocolic Excision in Patients with Obstructed Right Sided Colon Malignancies
Speaker: Muhammed Kadir Yıldırak, Turkey

Recurrence after liver transplantation for colorectal metastasis: treatment strategies and outcomes
Speaker: Pal-Dag Line (Norway)

Are we doing it right? Tips and tricks for colorectal or coloanal anastomosis
Speaker: Mustafa Oncel, Turkey
left hepatectomy versus right hepatectomy for treatment of Klatskin tumor
Speaker: Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Egypt
11:30-11:45 The Neuroendocrine Tumours - the role of Liver Transplantation
Speaker: Umberto Cillo, Italy

Treatment of anastomotic leakage and chronic sinus
Speaker: Wiliam Bemelman, Netherlands
Current concepts in surgical Treatment for Cholangiocarcinoma
Speaker: Deniz Balci, Turkey
11:45-12:00 Can we implement new oncological indications with the current organ supply?
Speaker: Gabriel Oniscu (United Kingdom)

Complications of colorectal surgery
Speaker: Christian Petkov, Bulgaria
Genomic Profiling for Targeted Therapy in Biliary Tract Cancers
Speaker: Mitesh Jivraj Borad, United States

Surgical treatment and results of hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Speaker: Alfredo Guglielmi, Italy
12:15-12:45 State of Art Lecture
Isolated pancreatectomy combined with portal vein resection using Nakao mesenteric approach and catheter― bypass of the portal vein for UR‐ LA pancreatic head cancer.
Speaker: Akimasa Nakao
State of Art Lecture
Nonoperative management of rectal cancer: Who will benefit?
Speaker: Antoni Szczepanik, Poland
Chair: Cem Terzi, Turkey
Resection strategies in PHC
Speaker: Hauke Lang, Germany
12:45-13:45 LUNCH BREAK
13:45-15:15 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery I
Chair: Ali Guner, Turkey & Woo Jin Hyung, Korea & Fulden Yumuk, Turkey
IASGO Consortium for Clinical Trials in Perioperative Setting: Liver cancers
Chairs/panel: Dan Duda, Nuh Rahbari, Ender Dulundu, Faysal Dane, Guido Torzilli
Sleeve and Bypass Session
Chair: Ozgur Firat, Turkey & Aziz Sumer, Turkey & Eren Taskin, Turkey

Pancreatic Cancer
Chair:Nermin Halkic, Switzerland & Alper Uguz, Turkey & Sezgin Uludag, Turkey
Free Paper Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery & Upper GI Surgery -2
Chair: Eduarda Gonçalves, Portugal & Anil Orhan, Turkey
13:45-14:00 Natural orifice specimen extraction in laparoscopic GI surgery
Speaker: Cuneyt Kayaalp, Turkey
Hop S Tran Cao, United States
Ming Kuang,China
Norihiro Kokudo, Japan

Ahmed Kaseb, United States
Mitesh Borad, United States
David James Pinato , United Kingdom

(All Speakers)

Can success /failure be predicted before sleeve gastrectomy?
Speaker: Mehmet Tahir Oruc, Turkey

Is Sleeve really good option for obesity or will have the same destiny of gastric band in the near future?
Speaker: Ozgur Firat, Turkey

Role of Gastric Bypasses after Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
Speaker: Ayman Kamal, Turkey

Step by step standart Sleeve (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Eren Taskin, Turkey

Re-Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Management of a complex case with postprandial hypoglycemia developed after a revisional Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Erman Sobutay, Turkey

Internal herniation after R n Y gastric bypass
Speaker: Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan, Turkey

Proper Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with Borderline Resectable and Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Who Had Received Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX
Speaker: Jikon Ryu, Korea

The Role of mesopancreas resection in pancreatic head carcinomas
Speaker: Tufan Egeli, Turkey

Prognostic importance of extensive lymph node disection in pancreatic adenocancers
Speaker: Cihan Agalar, Turkey

Laparoscopic Pancreaticodudenectomy for Periampullary Tumor: Should it be a Routine? A Propensity Score-matched Study
Speaker:Mohamed Attia, Egypt

Excision of the common, left or right hepatic artery without reconstruction during pancreatectomy or gastrectomy. Lessons of 30 procedures without ischemic complications
Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov

Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy by the clockwise technique (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Eduarda Maria Magalhães Gonçalves, Portugal
Candy Cane Syndrome After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass : Case Report
Speaker: Ceren Atalar, Turkey
Synchronous Widely Cutaneous Metastasis From Primary Gastric Cancer: A Case Report
Speaker: Mehmet Emin Buyukbayram, Turkey
Our 1-year experience with pneumatosis intestinalis patients
Speaker: Nedim Akgul, Turkey
MGB for Constipation
Speaker: Erkan Aksoy
Wilkie's Syndrome : report of 6 cases.
Speaker: Gueye Mohamadou Lamine, Senegal
Gastrointestinal GIT Lymphoma
Speaker: Hanan Hamed, Egypt
Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture with Transthoracic Herniation Of Intestine: A Case Series and Our Experience
Speaker: Vamshi Nayak Vankodoth, India
Ileus Attack of MNGIE
Speaker: Anil Orhan, Turkey
Management of Adult Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction by Gastrografin: Indications and Results.
Speaker: Gueye Mohamadou Lamine
Atypical Laparoscopic Resectıon Of Leiomyoma Of The 3Rd Portion Of The Duodenum

A Pilot Study to Compare Incidence of Delayed Gastric Emptying (DGE) between Loop and Roux-En-Y Gastrojejunostomy in Patients with Gastric Outlet Obstruction undergoing Bypass Surgery
Speaker: Tushar Saini, India
When is Surgery Indicated in Metastatic Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumor? Video Vignette Presentation
Speaker: Andrej Nikolovski, Macedonia
Are The Number of Retrieved Lymph Nodes, Their Rates of Metastasis Difference in Patients Who Underwent Total and Subtotal Gastrectomy?
Speaker: Hacer Kundakcioglu, Turkey
Evaluation Of Surgical Outcomes In Surgical Stapler Versus Hand Sewn Anastomosis for Ileostomy and Colostomy Closure
Speaker: Shivangi Pandey, India

14:00-14:15 Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in gastric cancer surgery-Remote P
Speaker: Franco Roviello, Italy
14:15-14:30 Immunotherapy in esophagogastric cancer
Speaker: Osman Kostek, Turkey
14:30-14:45 AI imaging reconstruction to guide gastric cancer surgery
Speaker: Woo Jin Hyung, Korea
14:45-15:00 Anti-HER2 therapy in advanced gastric cancer
Speaker: Selcuk Seber, Turkey
15:00-15:15 Discussion
State of Art Lecture
Which Innovations in liver surgery represented a progress
Speaker: Jacques Belghiti, France
15:30-15:45 COFFEE BREAK
15:45-17:30 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
Chair: Mehmet Mihmanli, Turkey & Metin Ozkan, Turkey & Emel Canbay, Turkey
Liver Cancer
Chair: Salih Pekmezci, Turkey & Nuh Rabhari, Germany & Cihan Agalar, Turkey
Liver Transplantation
Chair: Kerem Tolan, Turkey
Joint Session Turkish HPB Association
(Liver Transplantation)
Chair: Cuneyt Kayaalp , Turkey & Gurkan Ozturk, Turkey
Free Paper Colorectral Surgery -2
Chair: Alexandra Antunes, Portugal & Vafi Atalay, Turkey
15:45-16:00 Do we need specialized centers for upper GI cancer?
Speaker: Taylan Ozgur Sezer, Turkey
New concepts and strategies for liver cancer treatment
Speaker: Dan Duda, United States
LDLT in Turkey: Current status, future perspectives
Speaker:Gökhan Moray, Turkey
Low Anterior Resection Syndrome After Robotic Surgery.
Speaker: Ismail Calikoglu, Turkey
Extended lymph node dissection and liver resection for rectal cancer with stoma orifice extraction of the specimen
Speaker: Sergey Efetov, Russia
Risk Factors Leading to Perforation in Acute Appendicitis, Prospective Clinical Observational Trial
Speaker: Sezer Bulut, Turkey
The Treatment of Giant Liver Hemangiomas
Speaker: Fatih Boyvat, Turkey
The role of intraoperative ultrasound in pancreatic surgery.
Speaker: Iancu Ioana, Romania
Role of Laparoscope in Radical Distal Gastrectomy
Speaker: Ayman Kamal
Transverse Perineal Support (TPS)
Speaker: Eduarda Gonalves, Portugal
Risk factors of LIFT procedure failure and recurrence pattern in fistula in ano
Speaker: siripong sirikurnpiboon, Thailand
Shunt Infection or Acute Appendicitis?
Speaker: Alp Omer Canturk, Turkey
Modified Obando & Miwa-Gant technique Botton to up pile pexy technique - PIPEtech
Speaker: Alexandra Antunes, Portugal
Efficacy of using Mosapride citrate with oral mechanical bowel preparation for colonoscopy cleansing quality improvement
Speaker: Pornchanok Jaruvongvanich, Thailand
Double Intussuception in an Adult female : A Rare Entity With Multiple Polyposis.
Speaker: Mahim Koshariya, India
Day care stapled haemorrhoidpexy surgery in grade 3 and grade 4 haenmorrhoids under lidocaine anaesthesia:A prospective study
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
Comparison of different anastomosis types in treatment of ileocecal Crohn's disease
Speaker: Muammer Ergenc, Turkey
Timing of Stoma Reversal
Speaker: Anil Orhan, Turkey
Tips And Tricks Of Safe Laparoscopic Hemicolectomy for Ca Ascending Colon
Speaker: Vinod Kumar Singhal, United Arab Emirates
Laparoscopic D3 Lymphadenectomy For Mid-Transverse Colon Cancer
Speaker: Alexandra Antunes, Portugal
LAPSTAR (Laparoscopic Simultaneous Treatment of Apical Prolapse and Rectocele)
Speaker: Ana Sofia Cavadas, Portugal
Characterization and Drug Response Prediction of Patient-Derived Colorectal Cancer Organoids
Speaker: Melis Kanik

16:00-16:15 Linitis plastica: Can we treat it with surgery?
Speaker: Ebru Esen, Turkey
National registry of liver cancer in Japan: the use of real world data in cancer management
Speaker:Norihiro Kokudo, Japan
Long-term follow-up of the living donor
Sepaker:Tonguç Utku Yılmaz, Turkey
16:15-16:30 Liver directed treatment options for liver metastasis of gastric cancer
Speaker: M.Kadri Colakoglu, Turkey
Minimally-invasive mesohepatectomy for centrally-located liver tumors
Speaker:Nuh Rahbari, Germany
Difficult recipient: How to manage
Speaker:Feza Ekiz, Turkey
16:30-16:45 Neoadjuvant treatment approaches in gastric cancers. Which regimen ?
Speaker: Sezer Saglam, Turkey
Up to date: Hepatic tumors from pathologist's sight
Speaker: Emine Bozkurtlar, Turkey
  Pediatric LT – indications, long-term results
Speaker:Kamil Yalcin Polat, Turkey
16:45-17:00 Surgical treatment after neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced gastric cancer
Speaker: Viorel Scripcariu, Romania
Parenchyma sparing ALPPS – a new technical variant for regenerative surgery
Speaker:Florin Botea, Romania

Predictive Factors of DE Novo Malignancies after Living-donor Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience
Speaker: Ahmed Shehta, Egypt
17:00-17:15 Intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer
Speaker: Emel Canbay, Turkey
Technical aspects of Inferior vena cava resection
Speaker: Emilio Vicente, Spain

Antibody-mediated rejection in liver transplantation
Speaker:Yasutsugu Takada, Japan
17:15-17:30 Extensive liver surgery ( video)
Speaker: Zoran Milošević, Serbia

17:30-18:15 General Assambly

01 October Day 3
09:00-10:30 Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery (Video Session)
Chair: Enver İlhan, Turkey & Ali Uzunkoy, Turkey
Colorectal Liver Metastases
Chair: Irinel Popescu, Romania & Ekrem Kaya, Turkey
Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery Video Session
Chairs: Feza Yarbug Karakayali, Turkey & Aras Emre Canda, Turkey
HPB Potpuri
Chair: Isidoro Di Carlo, Italy & Bulent Aydinli, Turkey & Metin Tilki, Turkey
Free Paper Surgical Oncology & Clinical Trials
Chair: Suleyman Cetunkar, Turkey & Gonca Ozgun, Turkey

Thoracoscopic Esophagectomy
Speaker: Orcun Yalav, Turkey

Colorectal liver metastases focused on the topic perioperative systemic therapy versus upfront surgery
Speaker: Matteo Donadon, Italy
Endoscopic mucosal and submucosal dissection (ESD,EMD) for colon polyps
Speaker: Tahsin Dalgic, Turkey
Acute Cholecystitis. How to treat it to avoid complications
Speaker: Isidoro Di Carlo, Italy
SRC HIPEC for gynecological and other reasons.
Speaker: Huseyin Kemal Rasa, Turkey
Updates on Pressurized Aerosol Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (PIPAC): a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Speaker: Francesca Pegoraro, Italy
Possibilities for radical treatment of advanced gastric cancer (GC), T2-4N1-3bM1, P1 with positive cytology or peritoneal metastases.
Speaker: Radoslav Penkov, Bulgaria
Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC during pandemic of COVID-19
Speaker: Maja Pavlov, Serbia
Endothelial Dysfunction In Some Malignant Neoplasms Of Digestive System
Speaker: Daniyar Toksanbayev, Kazakhstan
Clinical features of Hepatocellular carcinoma
Speaker: Erbol Serikuly, Kazakhstan
Prognostic value of HER-2 (CerbB2) Expressions in gastric cancer: A retrospective cohort study
Speaker: Busra Temiz Con, Turkey
The association of PD-L1 and PDL-2 expressions with the prognostic variables of colorectal carcinoma
Speaker: Gonca Ozgun, Turkey
Prognostic impact of survivin, COX2 expression, and microsatellite instability in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Speaker: Merih Tepeoglu, Turkey
Is There Any Parameter for Predicting Tumour Response Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Patients with Rectal Cancer?
Speaker: Ece Bilgic Koylu, Turkey
Cancer: history Evolution
Speaker: Safwat Salem, Egypt
Isolated Hepatic Perfusion Chemotherapy with Portal Outflow
Speaker: Alexander Julianov
09:15-09:30 Robotic Esophagectomy
Speaker: M. Kadri Colakoglu, Turkey
R1 vascular resection single center experience
Speaker: Ender Dulundu, Turkey
Endoluminal Robotic Surgery
Speaker: Sam Atallah, United States
Developing a Continuous Patient Quality Improvement Culture in a Health System
Speaker: Vijay Pranjivan Khatri , India
09:30-09:45 Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
Speaker: Akin Firat Kocaay, Turkey
Mesohepatectomy for liver-bipartition: from the concept of two livers up to the enhanced-staged ALPPS
Speaker: Lucio Urbani, Italy
Top-Down approach in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
Speaker: Costa Pereira Joaquim Manuel, Portugal
Surgical Management of Chronic Pancreatitis
Speaker: Abdel Hadi Suleiman Thani Al Breizat, Jordan
09:45-10:00 Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
Speaker: Taylan Ozgur Sezer, Turkey
Salvage systemic therapies in metastatic colorectal cancer
Speaker: Okan Avci, Turkey
Robotic low anterior resection with intersphincteric resection and coloanal anastomosis
Speaker: Bilgi Baca, Turkey
Outcomes of Hepatic Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated with Portal Vein Invasion
Speaker: Ahmed Shehta, Egypt
10:00-10:15 Robotic Gastrectomy
Speaker: Emre Gundogdu, Turkey
The surgical approach in colorectal liver metasetases: the current stage
Speaker: Irinel Popescu, Romania
Laparoscopic pelvic exenteration
Speaker: Tayfun Bisgin, Turkey
Artificial intelligence in radiology
Speaker: Rabia Ergelen, Turkey
10:15-10:30 Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
Speaker: Ilter Ozer, Turkey
Robotic ALLPS - first German experiences.
Speaker: Roland Croner, Germany

Transanal intersphincteric proctectomy and omentalplasty with ICG in Crohns disease
Speaker: Wiliam Bemelman, Netherlands

Optimal Tumor Numbers in Surgical Candidates for Multiple Hepatocellular Carcinomas
Speaker: Takashi Kokudo

10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45-12:30 Intra-abdominal Malignancies
Chair: Abdurrahman Isikdogan, Turkey & Kerem Tolan , Turkey
Liver Transplantation
Chairs: Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Egypt & Hamdi Karakayali, Turkey

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chairs: Omer Gunal, Turkey & Christian Petkov, Bulgaria
Liver Cancer
Chair: Rodaslov Kostadinov, Bulgaria & Puneet Puneet, India & Gultekin Hos, Turkey
Free Paper HPB -3
Chair: Gurhan Bas, Turkey & Vinay Shaw, India
10:45-11:00 Novel systemic treatmens in metastatic GIST
Speaker: Umut Kefeli, Turkey

Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion in liver transplantation: current indications and results
Speaker: Irinel Popescu, Romania
How to diagnose and monitor dysplasia in ulcerative colitis
Speaker: Sedat Boyacioglu, Turkey
Robotic RALPPS for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with preoperative 3D rendering and CUSA-assisted transection
Speaker: Emanuela Maria Lo Bianco

Initial short term experience of laparoscopic liver resection in Pakistan
Speaker: Hassan Ahmed, Pakistan

Laparoscopic Liver Resection - A Single Centre Experience
Speaker: Rodaslov Kostadinov, Bulgaria

Expression of Epithelial cell transforming sequence 2 (ECT2) gene in Carcinoma gallbladder
Speaker: Puneet Puneet, India

Novel liquid biopsy strategy for cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis based on plasmon-enhanced single extracellular vesicle analysis
Speaker: Jung Hyun Jo, Korea

Laparoscopic segment VII metastasectomy with en bloc diaphragmatic resection for colorectal liver metastasis (Video Presentation)
Speaker: Nunı Machado, Portugal

Outcomes of pancreatectomies with venous resection for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. A single center experience of 172 patients
Speaker: Traian Dumitrascu, Romania
Venous Resection with Peritoneal Patch Reconstruction during Pancreatoduodenectomy.
Speaker: Tsvetan Trichkov, Bulgaria
Modified Critical View of Safety in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy : A Safe Alternative with HAP Technique
Speaker: Vinay Shaw, India
A Case Of Cystic Duct Drainage Into The Left Hepatic Duct
Speaker: Muhammet ALi Aydemir, Turkey
Robot-assisted left pancreatectomy with Kimura technique for mucinous cystadenoma
Speaker: Francesa Pegoraro, Italy
Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Single-Center Experience
Speaker: Ece Bilgic Koylu, Turkey
Common hepatic artery embolization is unnecessary procedure before DP CAR. Experience of 40 operations without reconstructions
Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov, Russia
Cystic echinococcosis of the liver: comparative analysis of the miniinvasive and «open» surgical methods
Speaker: Zhassulan Baimakhanov, Kazakhstan
Spleen-and distal pancreas- preserving splenic artery resections during distal, proximal and total pancreatectomies. Fifty-eight consecutive cases
Speaker: Viacheslav Egorov, Russia
Hard to treat - from benign to extensive biliary injury
Speaker: Andra Ciocan, Romania
Diagnostic Performance of Endoscopic Ultrasound Elastography for Differential Diagnosis of Solid Pancreatic Lesions: A Propensity Score-matched Analysis
Speaker: In Rae Cho, Korea, South
Post-hepatectomy liver failure affects long-term survival of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Speaker: Poowanai Sarkhampee, Thailand
Risk Factors Of Local Recurrence After Intraoperative Microwave Ablation For Colorectal Liver Metastases
Speaker: Francesca Pegoraro, Italy
Critical Vıew Of Safety In Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Its Relevance And Significance
Speaker: Ajay Sharma, India

11:00-11:15 Systemic treatment options in metastatic GEP-NETS
Speaker: Sahin Lacin, Turkey

Living donor liver transplant in Mansoura Egypt (960 case)
Speaker:Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Egypt
Evidence of minimally invasive IBD surgery
Speaker: Neriman Sengul, Turkey
11:15-11:30 Surgical treatment in metastatic
Speaker: Kerem Tolan, Turkey

Long-term follow-up of living liver donors: A single-center experience
Speaker: Ahmed Shehta, Egypt
How I do it: Minimally invasive surgery of ulcerative colitis
Speaker: Lazar Gyorgy, Hungary
11:30-11:45 Management of MSI-H positive gastrointestinal cancers
Speaker: Ozlem Sonmez, Turkey
Surgical challenges in pediatric living donor liver transplantation for low weight babies: Technique of graft reduction and outcomes
Speaker: Ashok Thorat, India
Management of complications of IPAA
Speaker: Feza Remzi, United States
11:45-12:00 Gastrointestinal cancer liver metastases: Radioembolization as a treatment strategy
Speaker: Tunc Ones, Turkey
Regulations of living donor liver transplantation in the Middle East
Speaker:Tarek Ibrahim, Egypt
Mesenteric excision surgery or conservative limited resection in Crohn’s disease
Speaker: Cigdem Arslan, Turkey
12:00-12:15 DISCUSSION
State of Art Lecture
Story of LDLT in Turkey
Speaker: Yaman Tokat, Turkey
State of Art Lecture
Advances in the surgical treatment of IBD
Speakers: Feza Remzi, United States
Chair: Lazar Gyorgy, Hungary
12:45-13:35 LUNCH BREAK
13:45-15:30 How has the pandemic changed our way of thinking?
Chair: Orhan Alimoglu, Turkey & Ayse Irem Yasin, Turkey
Chair: Tunc Ones, Turkey & Mert Mahsuni Sevinc, Turkey
Pancreatic Cancer - Challenges and Future Directions
Chairs:Dan G. Duda, United States & Pelin Bagci, Turkey
Free Paper Session Surgical Oncology
Chair: Cihan Agalar, Turkey & B. Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Free paper Minimal Invasive Surgery
Chair: Radoslav Kostadinov, Bulgaria & Tolga Canbak, Turkey
13:45-14:00 Lessons learned after the pandemic. What are the main priorities for the pharma supply chain today compared to three
years ago?
Speaker: Cagdas Atabay, Turkey

Inflammation marker usefulness in HCC prognosis
Speaker: Brian Carr, USA
Moving the needle in pancreatic cancer treatment
Speaker:Dan Duda, United States
Role of Necroptosis Microenvironment on the Development and Progression of the Primary Liver Cancer: Differences with the Necrotic Microenvironment
Speaker: B. Handan Ozdemir, Turkey
Investigation of Clinicopathological Features and the Factors Affecting Outcomes of Treatment Regimes Containing Anti-EGFR Agents in KRAS Wild Type Colorectal Cancer: Retrospective Single Center Experience
Speaker: Selma Sengun Hoyur, Turkey
Laparoscopic Left Hemicolectomy - Lateral-to-Medial Approach
Speaker: Eduarda Gonalves, Portugal
The relationship between PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression and microsatellite instability in uterine carcinosarcoma and their effects on survival
Speaker: Alev Ok Atilgan, Turkey
Comparison of Oncological Outcomes in Synchronous and Metachronous Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer
Speaker: Mehmet Mazlum Inan, Turkey
Long-term multi-institutional outcomes of 5-fraction ablative stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for inoperable pancreas cancer with median
Speaker: Enis Ozyar
8 Years Of Robotic Surgery Experience In Colorectal Cancer: A Retrospective Study
Spekaer: Mehmet Erman Bacaksiz, Turkey
A Prospective Comparitive Study of CBNAAT,Histopathological Examination,Culture and Senstivity in Suspecious cases of Tubercular Lymphadenopathy
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
Comparison of Treatments in Metastatic RAS Wild Left-sided Colon Cancer Patients
Speaker: Ozgecan Dulgar, Turkey
Comparasion of clinical outcomes between laparoscopic and open surgery for colorectal cancer
Speaker: Radenko Koprivica, Slovenia
The correlation of the tumor budding with the expression of focal adhesion kinase, survivin, VEGF, and patient survival in the lung adenocarcinoma
Speaker: Eda Yilmaz Akcay, Turkey
Effect of Bevacizumab on hepatosteatosis in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Speaker: Murat Araz, Turkey
A Prospective Study Of Extranodal Lymphoproliferative Tumor with Isolated Parotid Presentation
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
The prognostic significance of PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression on survival in upper urinary tract urothelial carcinomas
Speaker: Alev Ok Atilgan, Turkey
The relationship between c-erbB2 positivity and disease-free survival in operated non-metastatic gastric cancer
Speaker: Alper Yasar, Turkey
Is Laparoscopic Surgery Safe and Feasible in Acute Adhesive Ileus?
Speaker: Afig Gojayev, Turkey
Role Of Thoracoscopic Surgery for Intrathoracic First Rib Resection in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Speaker: Ayman Kamal, Egypt
LAP Right Hemicolectomy with CME and CVL
Speaker: Syed Murtaza Ahmed, Oman
Technical Features Of Laparoscopic Hernioplasty In Patients With A Transplanted Kidney And Ureteral Migration.
Speaker: Artur Mnoyan, Russia
Robot CT guided Celiac plexus neurolysis
Speaker: Chetna Shamshery, India
Robotic Vs Laparoscopic Surgery : Debate or Proven Evidence
Speaker: Vamshi Nayak Vankodoth
Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection
Speaker: Syed Murtaza Ahmed, Oman
Preoperative Planning For Laparoscopic Rectal Surgery Using 3D Reconstructive Software
Speaker: Marius Bica
VATS esophagectomy
Speaker: Syed Murtaza Ahmed
Laparoscopic Repair of Acute Traumatic Left Diaphramatic Rupture
Speaker: Bibin Mathew, India
Prospectıve Comparatıve Study Of Mesh Fıxatıon In Laparoscopıc Tep Hernıa Repaır Usıng Tackers Versus Cynoacrylate Versus Fıbrın Glue
Speaker: Arvind Kumar Shukla, India
Laparoscopic Liver Resection For Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
Speaker: Radoslav Kostadinov, Bulgaria
Enhanced View Totally Extraperitoneal Repair(eTEP) and Transverse Abdominis Release(TAR) for Larger Ventral Hernias - Short Term Results From A Peripheral Centre
Speaker: Bibin Matthew, India
Robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy for distal cholangiocarcinoma in a patient with intestinal malrotation
Speaker: Silvia Campanile, Italy
Role of Minimal Invasive Surgery in Cancer Esophagus
Speaker: Ayman Kamal, Egypt
Robot-Assisted Left Hepatectomy for Intrahepatic Lithiasis in Non-Asiatic Patient
Speaker: Francesca Pegoraro , Italy
Duodenal Pseudodiverticulum Of The Third Portion Of The Duodenum – Laparoscopic Resection
Speaker: Jéssica Rodrigues, Portugal
Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatctomy For Neuroendocrine Tumor (Insulinoma) In A Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease In The Multidisciplinary Health Care Setting
Speaker: Tseren Mudaev, Russia
Laparoscopic excision of a type I choledochal cyst and Y-Roux hepaticojejunostomy
Speaker: Nuno Machado, Portugal
Milestones of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration in Eastern Sudan
Speaker:Sami Eldirdiri Elgaili Salah, Sudan
Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: It’s Predictive Factors
Speaker: Chirag Agrawal, India
14:00-14:15 COVID-19 and Abdominal Onco Surgery: What Have We Learned?
Speaker: Orhan Alimoglu, Turkey
Staging and Prognostic Models in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Speaker: Coskun Ozer Demirtas, Turkey
Surgically aggressive approach for pancreatic cancer: is it still justified?
Speaker:Elena Usova, Ukraine
14:15-14:30 Pandemia in cancer patients:risk, clinical features, and management.
Speaker: Ayse Irem Yasin, Turkey
Y-90 microembolisation treatment of HCC
Speaker: Levent Kabasakal, Turkey
Significance of vascular resection for advanced pancreatic cancer
Speaker:Aleksandar Karamarkovic, Serbia
14:30-14:45 Management of Diabetic foot in Sudan: Overview
Speaker: Mohamed Elmakki Ahmed Abdalla, Sudan
Survival Outcomes After Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Single Center Experience
Speaker:Abdirahman Sakulen Hargura

Clinical and Translational Updates in Pancreatic Cancer
Speaker: Gabriela Chiorean, United States
Molecular pathology of pancreatic tumors: Era of molecular
diagnosis and targeted therapy
Speaker: Burcin Pehlivanoglu, Turkey


09:00-09:15 OPENING SPEECH
09:15-11:00 The importance of Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) and HIPEC in the treatment of peritoneal cancers
Moderators: Cem Terzi, Erdal Polat
09:15-09:30 What is CRS-HIPEC? How did we get to these days?
Speaker: Mehmet Fuzun, Turkey
09:30-09:45 CRS-HIPEC for pseudomyxoma peritonea
Speaker: Faheez Mohamed, United Kingdom
09:45-10:00 CRS-HIPEC for malignant mesothelioma
Speaker: Ali Ekrem Unal, Turkey
10:00-10:15 CRS-HIPEC for colorectal cancers
Speaker: Olivier Glehen, France
10:15-10:30 CRS and HIPEC for gynecological cancers
Speaker: Cihan Comba, Turkey
10:30-10:45 CRS and HIPEC for gastric cancers
Speaker: Kursat Karadayi, Turkey
10:45-11:00 DISCUSSION
11:00-11:15 COFFE BREAK
11:15-12:30 Intraoperative management in SRC and HIPEC
How I do it?
Moderators: Faheez Mohamed, Yogesh Vashist
11:15-11:30 What should the anesthetist do during operation?
Speaker: Deniz Avan, Turkey
11:30-11:45 How I do CRS in the upper abdomen?
Speaker: Aras Emre Canda, Turkey
11:45-12:00 How I do CRS in the lower abdomen?
Speaker: Cem Terzi, Turkey
12:00-12:15 Where are the hidden implants?
Speaker: Erdal Polat, Turkey
12:15-12:30 DISCUSSION
12:30-13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30-15:00 How should we administer drug to intraperitoneal?
Moderators: Cem Terzi, Ugur Duman
13:30-13:45 HIPEC
Speaker: Erdal Polat, Turkey
13:45-14:00 EPIC
Speaker: Aras Emre Canda, Turkey
14:00-14:15 NIPS
Speaker: Sezer Saglam, Turkey
14:15-14:30 PIPAC
Speaker: Glehen Olivier, France
14:30-14:45 Hypoxic Abdominal Perfusion Chemotherapy
Speaker: Yogesh Vashist, Germany
14:45-15:00 DISCUSSION
15:00-15:15 COFFE BREAK
15:15-16:15 Current DISCUSSIONS and future in SRC and HIPEC
Moderators:Glehen Olivier, Erdal Polat
15:15-15:30 Postoperative complications and management
Speaker: Faheez Mohamed, United Kingdom
15:30-15:45 Current oncological approach for peritoneal cancer
Speaker: Faysal Dane, Turkey
15:45-16:00 What did studies say us so far?
Speaker: Cem Terzi, Turkey
16:00-16:15 Ongoing studies for peritoneal cancer, new hopes?
Speaker: Omer Ozkan, Turkey
16:15-16:30 DISCUSSION

13:00 -15:00 Session I
Chairs: Ethem Gecim, Turkey & Feza Yarbug Karakayali, Turkey
13:00-13:15 Complete mesocolic excision for right colon cancer
Speaker: Ismail Tirnova, Turkey
13:15:-13:30 Top-Down approach in laporoscopic right hemicolectomy
Speaker: Costa Pereira Joaquim Manuel, Portugal
13:30-13:45 Cancer of the descending colon; Laparoscopic left colectomy
Speaker: Nuri Okkobaz
13:45-14:00 Transverse colon cancer; How I do it?
Speaker: Cemil Burak Kulle, Turkey
14:00-14:15 Laparoscopic surgery in complex Crohn’s disease
Speaker: Lázár György, Hungary
14:15-14:30 Laparoscopic sigmoid resection for diverticular disease
Speaker: Abdulsamet Bozkurt, Turkey
14:30-14:45 Total coloproctectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis
Speaker: Ahmet Rencuzogullari, Turkey
14:45-15:00 DISCUSSION
15:00-15:15 COFFE BREAK
15:15-17:15 Session II
Chairs: Selman Sokmen, Turkey & Feza Yarbug Karakayali, Turkey
15:15-15:30 TME for locally advanced rectal cancer and ICG in colorectal surgery
Speaker: Emre Balik, Turkey
15:30-15:45 Robotic low anterior resection for rectal cancer
Speaker: Mehmet Karabulut, Turkey
15:45-16:00 Combined transanal and transabdominal (TATA) TME for rectal cancer
Speaker: Sam Atallah, United States
16:00-16:15 Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann’s procedure and closure of a temporary ileostomy
Speaker: Volkan Ozben
16:15-16:30 NICE and NOSE
Speaker: Tayfun Bisgin
16:30-16:45 MIS for colorectal surgery; The management of intraoperative complications
Speaker: Cigdem ARSLAN
16:45-17:00 DISCUSSION

09:00-09:15 OPENING SPEECH
09:15-10:30 Session I
Chairs: Mustafa Taskin, Turkey & Halil Ozguc, Turkey
09:15-09:30 Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Indications: Should they be redefined from the beginning?
Speaker: Orcun Yalav, Turkey
09:30-09:45 Which operation for which patients?
Speaker: Evren Dilektasli, Turkey
09:45-10:00 Is preoperative the patient’s evaluation important? How much?
Speaker: Ozan Şen, Turkey
10:00-10:15 Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery for Class I obese patients.
Speaker: Eren Taskin, Turkey
10:15-10:30 DISCUSSION
10:30-10:45 Is there a standard sleeve gastrectomy?
Speaker: M. Tahir Oruc, Turkey
10:45-11:00 Standard Roux-n-Y Gastric Bypass
Speaker: Faki Akin, Turkey
11:00-11:15 Standard One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass
Speaker: Kamal Mahawar, United Kingdom
11:15-11:30 DISCUSSION
11:30-11:45 COFFE BREAK
11:45-12:30 Session II
Chairs: Erhun Eyupoglu, Turkey & Tolga Muftuoglu, Turkey
11:45-12:00 Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Speaker: Varlık Erol, Turkey
12:00-12:15 Robotic Gastric Bypass
Speaker: Emre Gundogdu, Turkey
12:15-12:30 Robotic Revisional Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
Speaker: M.Mahir Ozmen, Turkey
12:30-12:45 DISCUSSION
12:45-13:45 LUNCH
13:45-15:30 Video Sessions: Revisional surgery
Chairs: Turgut Ipek, Turkey & Aziz Sumer, Turkey
13:45-14:00 Video 1: Band to Sleeve
Speaker: Samet Yardimci, Turkey
14:00-14:15 Video 2: Sleeve to roux n y gastric bypass
Speaker: Caghan Peksen, Turkey
14:15-14:30 Video 3: Sleeve to One anastomosis gastric bypass
Speaker: Osman Anil Savas, Turkey
14:30-14:45 Video 4: Sleeve to transit bipartition
Speaker: Fatih Can Karaca, Turkey
14:45-15:00 Video 5: Internal herniation after tour n y gastric bypass
Speaker: Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan, Turkey
15:00-15:30 DISCUSSION

13:00-13:30 Welcome Speech
Guido Torzilli, Ender Dulundu
13:30-14:00 IOUS historical background
Speaker: Ender Dulundu
14:00-14:30 Basic Principles
Speaker: Fabio Procopio
14:30-15:00 IOUS Liver Anatomy
Speaker: Fabio Procopio
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 IOUS identification and details of liver lesions
Speaker: Rabia Ergelen
16:00-16:30 IOUS-guided liver resection
Speaker: Guido Torzilli
16:30-17:00 Take home messages
Speaker: Ender Dulundu
17:00-18:00 Practice on Phantoms

08:30-09:00 Registration and Welcome Meeting



Hasan Bektaş

Deniz Duman
12:00-13:00 Coffee Break
13:00-13:15 Basic Principles
Speaker: Ömer Günal
13:15-13:30 Technical Aspects
Speaker: Omer Gunal
13:30-13:45 A Frequently Confronted Dilemma: Gastric Subepithelial Lesions
Speaker: Deniz Duman
13:45-14:00 Eus-guided Fna
Speaker: Yeşim Alahdab
14:00-14:30 Break
14:00-14:15 Problems And Solutions Encontered In Daily Practice Of Pancreatic Cysts Management
Speaker: Deniz Duman
14:15-14:30 How To Examine The Pancreatobiliary Region
Speaker: Mustafa Ümit Uğurlu
14:30-14:45 Chronic Pancreatitis
Speaker: Deniz Duman
14:45-15:00 Drainage Of Pancreatic Fluid Collections (PFC)
Speaker: Yeşim Alahdab

29 September Day 1

Bayer Satellite Symposium

Sequential NexSt treatment with real life HCC cases
Speakers; Ender Dulundu, Turkey & Faysal Dane, Turkey

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